The Creator wants us to Drum. (God) wants us to corrupt the world with drums, dance, and chants. We've already corrupted the world with power and greed, which has gotten us nowhere. Now's the time to corrupt the world with drum, dance, and chants.----Babatunde Olatungi, Nigerian master drummer

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Siberia of the Soul: a poem by Leo Hartshorn

Beat the drums and the let the poets speak---Sufi mystic Jalaladin Rumi

My day begins
with hand to drum
and poet's word on page
I need the pulse
of sound and word
of rhythm and rhyme
to break the iceberg
of my frozen consciousness

a winter snow
still muffles my heartbeat
my thoughts and mind
move slowly
like tractors though
the fallen snow
O drum, warm my heart
O poet, thaw my brain
I cry out from
a Siberia of the soul


  1. A beautiful poem, I've shared this with our Drumming group, Ee by Drum. We too have set up a blog spot. I was looking for information on the Drumming for Peace day this month and came across you!
